

Vintage Rides → Customer reviews

The Transhimalayenne

26 September 2024


The Trans-Himalayan

There’s no such thing as hesitation, so Go.

26 September 2024


The Trans-Himalayan
There's no such thing as hesitation, so Go.
La réponse de Vintage Rides

On adore ton enthousiasme Cécile ! Chaque voyage est une promesse de découvertes et de sensations uniques. Alors, enfile tes gants et fais le plein de ta Royal Enfield, la route t’attend ! À bientôt sur les routes ! L'équipe Vintage Rides

Would like to do similar adventure…

26 September 2024


Berber Raid : conquer the moroccan Atlas
Would like to do similar adventure in other adventurous/dream locations, which I have been thinking about for a while!

An exceptional journey in a setting…

25 September 2024


The Trans-Himalayan
An exceptional trip in a grandiose setting unimaginable before going there! Perfectly organized, I settled every time and set off to tour the world with them!
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Un grand merci pour ce retour qui nous touche Bertrand. On adore savoir que notre organisation a contribué à rendre ton voyage exceptionnel. Le décor du Ladakh est en effet à couper le souffle, et c'est génial que tu sois prêt à partir pour un tour du monde avec nous ! On a hâte de t’accompagner dans tes prochaines aventures. À très bientôt sur les routes ! L'équipe Vintage Rides

Off-road training and hiking in the Beaujolais (3 days)

25 September 2024


Three days off-road training in France

Never disappointed with Vintage, always a…

25 September 2024


Three days off-road training in France
I've never been disappointed by Vintage, which is always a mix of adventure, fun, challenging yourself and sharing. That's my vision of travel!
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Merci beaucoup pour ton gentil commentaire Clémence. Ces valeurs sont également les nôtres, et nous souhaitons les partager à travers le voyage et la moto. A très vite pour une prochaine aventure ! Alexane, Orlane, Magalie et Astrid.

Congratulations on your internship proposal…

25 September 2024


Three days off-road training in France
Congratulations on your proposal for an introductory/advanced off-road course. It's a good way to start assessing our skills with a view to a more distant trip. Be careful to evaluate the candidates before forming a group, there can be big differences in levels which can create frustration.

I usually travel with 2 people;

25 September 2024


Three days off-road training in France
I usually travel with 2 people and the Royal Endfield is not suitable.

A wonderful adventure in the Moroccan Atlas;

24 September 2024


Berber Raid : conquer the moroccan Atlas
A wonderful adventure in the Moroccan Atlas, with breathtaking scenery, technical but rolling trails and top-notch support!

Berber Raid : conquer the moroccan Atlas

24 September 2024


Berber Raid : conquer the moroccan Atlas
Since 2006, Vintage Rides has been the specialist in characterful motorcycle travel.
Experienced guides to ensure your safety throughout the journey.
Complete availability with 24/7 assistance.
Impeccable services with local partners committed to a charter of quality and safety.
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