

Vintage Rides → Customer reviews

Upper Mustang: Raid to the Forbidden Kingdom

17 October 2024


Upper Mustang: Adventure in the Forbidden Kingdom

The pleasure of doing nothing…

17 October 2024


From the Atlas Mountains to the Sahara dunes
The pleasure of doing nothing, just letting yourself be guided and admiring the magnificent scenery.

It was my first a&hellip road trip;

17 October 2024


From the Atlas Mountains to the Sahara dunes
This was my first motorcycle road trip with friends and we chose Vintage Rides after doing some research on the internet. I have no regrets, it was a great experience! The scenery was varied and magnificent, and the itineraries were accessible to all but still fun (roads, tracks, sand, uneven terrain, etc.). The group was great fun, and our guide and his mechanic were top-notch! I recommend Vintage Ride and may try it again with a new destination!

4th trip with VR… Hymalayan Indies…

17 October 2024


Upper Mustang: Adventure in the Forbidden Kingdom
4th trip with VR... Hymalayan Indies 1st and Upper Mustang last... I've made my 2 childhood dreams come true with you? Thank you for enabling me to realize them in such conditions (guides, adventure, discovery, landscapes, remote paths, etc.). I'll keep unforgettable memories for life?
La réponse de Vintage Rides

On est vraiment touchés que tu aies pu réaliser tes rêves de jeunesse avec nous Laurence. Merci pour ta fidélité et pour ce retour qui donne envie de continuer à t'accompagner sur des routes encore plus reculées et aventureuses. À très bientôt pour de nouveaux souvenirs inoubliables ! L'équipe Vintage Rides

A must-see travel experience. Thank you…

17 October 2024


The Wonders of the Atlas Mountains
A must-see travel experience. Thank you Vintage

What a magnificent journey through…

17 October 2024


To the Gateway of Tibet
What a magnificent trip in breathtaking scenery. A group that got along well from the start, guided by Ravi and his crack team, who were great from A to Z to help us experience this intense trip in the best possible way.
La réponse de Vintage Rides

On est ravis de lire ton retour Vincent ! On est ravi que ton voyage ait été inoubliable et que les paysages aient su te couper le souffle. Prêt pour un nouveau trip avec nous ? L'équipe Vintage Rides

I had confidence in your company, the one…

17 October 2024


Upper Mustang: Adventure in the Forbidden Kingdom
I had confidence in your company, but it's very chipped. I find it unacceptable to have had us ride these 12/14 year old machines. It seems irresponsible to me, and inconsistent with the price paid. What's more, the hotel accommodation on offer is also inconsistent with the price of this trip, and your local agent doesn't strike me as serious. I was told during my trip to RWANDA that the level of the mechanic was not good and that this would never be repeated at VR. It's obvious that even the most astute mechanic can't change rotten brake drums, prevent worn-out motorcycle frames from giving way, etc.... I don't know if you'll read my comments, but I'd appreciate a phone call from you. Best regards
La réponse de Vintage Rides

Merci beaucoup, Olivier, d’avoir pris le temps de nous partager vos retours détaillés tant par écrit que par téléphone. Nous sommes sincèrement désolés que cette expérience n’ait pas été à la hauteur de vos attentes, d'autant plus que vous êtes un client fidèle de Vintage Rides. Concernant les motos, nous comprenons pleinement votre déception. Nos flottes sont normalement renouvelées dès que les véhicules ne répondent plus aux standards de sécurité et de fiabilité établis lors des contrôles effectués avant, pendant et après chaque saison. La situation que vous avez rencontrée est exceptionnelle et ne reflète pas nos exigences habituelles. En réponse, nous avons décidé de retirer les motos standards 500 de nos circuits pour prévenir de telles expériences. La sécurité de nos riders étant notre priorité absolue, une telle défaillance est surprenante, et nous avons d’ores et déjà pris des mesures pour éviter qu'une telle situation se reproduise. Vos retours sont précieux et nous permettent d’améliorer continuellement nos prestations. Nous espérons avoir l’opportunité de vous offrir une expérience irréprochable lors de vos prochaines aventures avec nous. L’équipe VR

next trip will likely be on…

17 October 2024


Upper Mustang: Adventure in the Forbidden Kingdom
next trip will likely be on my own bike, starting from home

Thanks to Tristan and Margeot for…

17 October 2024


The Wonders of the Atlas Mountains
Thanks to Tristan and Margeot for this great trip. Beautiful encounters, beautiful landscapes, beautiful roads.

This is an appointment not to…

17 October 2024

Jean Jacques

From the Atlas Mountains to the Sahara dunes
This is an event not to be missed, with only one watchword: enjoy!
Since 2006, Vintage Rides has been the specialist in characterful motorcycle travel.
Experienced guides to ensure your safety throughout the journey.
Complete availability with 24/7 assistance.
Impeccable services with local partners committed to a charter of quality and safety.
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